Find Your Voice

Here are some specific things that Suncoast Storytellers does to accomplish their mission and foster a stronger sense of community identity: Organize storytelling events that feature a wide range of storytellers from different backgrounds and experiences. This could include hosting open mic nights, themed events, or festivals that celebrate the diversity of the community. By […]

Enjoy Stories

Do you want to escape the ordinary and be captivated by a skilled storyteller? Join us for an evening of captivating tales! Imagine being transported to new worlds and experiencing life through different eyes. That's what storytelling events offer! Come discover a world of wonder. Looking to connect with others who share your passion for [...]

Become A Storyteller

Unleash your inner storyteller! Suncoast Storytellers offers a supportive environment where you can learn from experienced storytellers and refine your craft. Weave your voice into the fabric of our community. The Guild's mission is to bring people together through the power of storytelling. As a member, you can contribute to building stronger connections. Passionate about [...]

Enhance Culture

Here are some specific things that Suncoast Storytellers does to achieve enhanced cultural appreciation, aligning with our mission statement: Organize multicultural storytelling events featuring stories from a diverse range of ethnicities and backgrounds. This could include folktales, myths, and personal narratives that highlight the unique traditions and experiences of different cultures. Host workshops on storytelling […]

Create Solutions

Here are some specific things that Suncoast Storytellers does to encourage collaboration and brainstorming to address community challenges, based on our mission statement: Workshops and Trainings: Storytelling for Social Change: Offer workshops that teach storytelling techniques specifically focused on addressing community challenges. Participants will learn how to craft narratives that raise awareness, build empathy, and […]

Belong, Connect

Here are some specific things that Suncoast Storytellers does to accomplish the end result of reduced social isolation through storytelling events, in line with our mission statement: Organize open mic storytelling events where community members can share their stories in a welcoming and supportive environment. This would create a platform for people to connect and […]

Training Resources

Workshops and Training Opportunities to Help You Become a Better Storyteller We provide many ways to help you be a better storyteller. These take two forms: Programs of the Suncoast Storytellers guild Programs and workshops provided by other Storytelling organizations FREE Storytelling Certificate Program offered (ZOOM) by the Story Center @ Woodneath Public Library (Kansas […]

Storytelling Resources

Suncoast Storytellers is pleased to provide to our tellers the following resources to help you create new stories FOLKLORE This site contains retellings of American Folktales, Native American myths and legends, tall tales, weather folklore, and ghost stories from each and every one of the 50 United States. FAIRYTALES SurLaLune Fairy Tales features 49 […]

So You’re Interested In Storytelling?

Origin of Storytelling The history of storytelling goes back thousands of years. Cave dwellers used pigment to paint on walls with their hands to create stories and myths. The ancient Greeks carved their language into walls to tell how history was moving forward. The narrative voice in writing speaks volumes about each of the culture’s everyday […]

Become A Member

We welcome all listeners to come to any of our meetings as a guest. But to get discounts on our workshops and programs you’ll want to consider the full benefits of guild membership, which include: When you join our guild, you receive many benefits of membership, plus the opportunity to be part of an interesting […]

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